Monday 3 June 2013

Tunisian Houses

For this painting I used a scanned photograph from a book about Tunisia. It's a lovely book full of amazing images. I also have a book about Israel that is equally inspiring. I pick these books up from charity shops or the recycling centre and are a good source of reference material.

Here's the reference image I used for the painting:

Here's the finished painting - I'm quite happy with this one..

Thanks for reading.. See you next time.

Clay Pots

This watercolour was painted using a reference photograph I took in my parents garden. Two clay pots stood in front of the greenhouse with early morning sun behind the subject. I took inspiration from the lovely shadows and the reflections from the greenhouse -  I immediately felt that the painting should have a semi-abstract background. I'm fairly happy with the painting, although I would like to try another version of this painting and make a lot more of the background and also make the main subject much looser and and more expressive. I feel that the subject is a bit too formal for the loose background so I may have another go at this one.

Here's the reference photo:

Here's the finished painting. Apologies for the slightly iffy scan, I have a slight problem with my scanner - it's producing a missing pixel creating a white line through the image. They are sending a replacement scanner at the moment!

Thanks for reading.. See you next time.