Sunday 3 August 2014


A quick sketch of an estuary, not sure where this is but the general theory is 'somewhere in Scotland' :-) I really like the colours in this sketch and I really enjoy this palette. Its the same palette used by Ron Ranson and Steve Cronin: Ultramarine Blue, Light Red, Raw Sienna, Lemon Yellow, Alizarin Crimson, Burnt Umber and Paynes Gray. (Burnt Umber not used in this painting but it's part of my 7 colour palette).

Having said that I've been experimenting with Prussian Blue, Phthalo Blue and Cerulean Blue recently as I'd like to do some semi-abstracts of The Blue City in Morocco. You can view the Google Image Search here:

I'm going to try this one again today, maybe on larger paper and I'm going to try and be really aware of some great advice from Steve Cronin: "Never paint over the same are twice unless you have a specific reason to do so". It's really good advice. My aim is to lay down confident brush strokes and don't work over them - just leave them! :-) Anyway, we'll see how it goes...

Estuary. 12" x 9" Watercolour.