Thursday 24 April 2014

Woodbury Castle #2

Another painting taken from the Woodbury Castle photo set. I'm really happy with most of this painting, although I could have done a fair few things slightly different to make it a lot better. Silly error placing the two blue-grey trees right in the middle of the painting that stand out and are too central. I think the main problem is there's not enough tonal contrast between the foreground and the middle ground but I'm not over critical or negative and I really enjoyed painting this one and am on a fairly good road of practise and learning. I always think "I'll do another version of this one tomorrow and it'll be a lot better as I will know what mistakes to avoid" but I never do; I always go on to a different photo to paint...! Anyway, you never know, there may be a version two! p.s. Lots of sandpaper used to create the sparkle of light on the trunks and ground and a brand new Stanley blade used to scratch out some of the white grasses. Thanks for reading and see you next time.

"Woodbury Castle #2" - 14" x 11" Watercolour.

Reference photo.

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